Monday, May 05, 2008


After half a year of failure and frustration, we reached the first step into a positive direction, giving us hope. Still, there is no satisfaction with the now, but yet, there is some positive thought. It is the first time that it is not all purely destructive, but that there is some creative idea. A motivation to spend hours and hours folding paper in order to make a paper swan with our names on it became a wonderful piece of love. But still, there is no real common perspective. No idea how to make life sustainable. Escape from this country of negative energy, staying here and building up a proper life, or going to the island in order to benefit from a more peaceful environment and more spiritual people? Is it all just stupid dreams, or am I again just not brave enough to make them come true because of perceived constraints? We are further than ever before, but still all hope remains fragile, like a paper swan, like her.