Friday, June 23, 2006

Paradise ill-tempered

A bad mood settles my mind already for a week. It began with my refusal of giving one of the beach-boys 10,000 Rupiah (which is around 90 Euro Cent) so that he could buy food. I did that because I was asked for money several times and was fed up. Later on I felt reluctant towards myself. Then my sandal broke, what constituted the final “killer” of day. It all made me angry, sad, unbalanced. Lesna rescued me that evening. We went out for eat (the bill was six times what the boy had asked) instead of me writing on an assignment. Also my health is not so fine these days. The Dukun, the traditional spiritual healer, had seen that I am suffering from something like an allergy against wind and cold. She told me what to eat and what not, to close the window of the car, not to use the aircon or fan, keep away from wind and so on. Also I was forbidden to surf. But I can’t let it. Bought a wetsuit. And it keeps very warm. Although the water is now rather cold you feel like sitting in a cup of black hot tea. I rode some incredible, beautiful waves this morning (first time with my hand brushing against the (small) wall), but yet I am sitting on my terrace now and feel somehow depressed. Soon is my birthday and I would like to see my family and friends. But I won’t. I don’t know what’s up exactly. Probably a cultural-shock down. Relating to the curve that psychologists have developed for this phenomenon it is now, after almost four months abroad, the right time for it occurring. And it is the wrong time for it occurring due to the fact that in one and a half week I have to go through six examinations. Tomorrow we are going to the north shore for the weekend in order to relax and to see the dolphins.

I didn’t find the boy on the beach. Yesterday then I met him exactly at the place my sandal broke. I gave him the money and we had a can of juice. He was happy. And me too.


At 10:03 AM, Blogger Chris said...

27th. No, I'm not yet fine, but this wil change. Soon, I think. Thank you very much!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Angel, hi, what's neumonia???
Yes the Dukun said exactly that!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Oh, I know, Angel, sorry, you wrote neumonia. I had pneumonia in January, that's probably one of the reasons why I am not yet fit. But by the way: If I had it I would know. You have high fever, can't do anything anymore and have to go to doc.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger realitytwister said...

zum geburtstag viel glück.

zum geburtstag viel glück.

zum geburtstag lieber bluuuuuubsen -

zum geburtstag viel glück!


liebe grüsse vom realitytwister!

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Chris said...

uh, how does your foot look like now??

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Chris said...

am lookin 4ward 2 c...will miss Bali so much. Hear you soon! BTW, have you got homephone? Then email me the number lah!


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